Reflex Marine


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Crew Transfer Equipment for Offshore and Emergency Applications

Reflex Marine is a global expert in crew transfer equipment for the offshore industry, with 30 years of experience in designing, developing and customising safety transfer equipment and accessories.


12-16 Albyn Place,
AB10 1PS,
United Kingdom

Reflex Marine’s crew transfer equipment is designed and developed to the highest safety standard. The design derived from an extensive, risk-based review of crane transfer operations. Prototypes are submitted to rigorous testing and verification programme performed on personnel crane transfer equipment.

Safety by design

FROG design addresses four main key risks associated with crew changes using cranes. Seats and quick release seat belts eliminate the risk of people falling out mid-transfer, shock-absorbing feet and suspension system protect against heavy landings and ensure safe and stable dismounting for the crew, polyurethane foam-filled buoyancy guarantees the FROG will float and self right if immersed in water and together with the stainless steel frame protects against side impacts. FROG transfer devices are able to transport between four and ten persons. They provide overhead protection and have a luggage storage area on a non-slip floor.

MedEvac, emergency evacuation, harsh weather and low visibility

FROG-XT range of crew transfer devices and WAVE-4 transfer devices can be easily converted to MedEvac mode in a matter of minutes and make for the safest way to transfer an injured person in an emergency situation. All Reflex Marine crew transfer equipment perform exceedingly well in operational scenarios involving harsh weather, low visibility including fog or smoke, high winds or turbulent sea states. FROG-XT superior operating envelope allows for equipment to be used in circumstances with a significant wave height of up to 4m and wind speed of up to 40 knots.

Arctic weather conditions

FROG, FROG-XT and WAVE-4 crew transfer devices perform exceedingly well in sub-zero temperatures going as far as -40 C. Reflex Marine’s equipment is being used in Norway, Canada, Sweden and Russia, including for projects such as Sakhalin I and II and Yamal.

Platform to vessel crane transfer of personnel by Frog in the GOM.
WAVE-4 transfer to Saipem 7000 vessel.
FROG-XT10 on board a Seacor Marine vessel.
FROG-XT6 transfer from PFLNG1 offshore Sabah gas field.
FROG-XT6 transfer from DEME vessel during a pre-piling campaign.
FROG-XT6 transfer from DEME vessel during a pre-piling campaign.
FROG carrying out crew transfers.

Accessories, replacement parts,  operational support and servicing

Reflex Marine manufactures a range of accessories that help prolong the life of the equipment and increase comfort and safety.
OEM replacement parts are available for all our equipment and a global network of service centres and approved service partners are ready to service your crew transfer equipment at a location of your convenience, onshore or aboard your vessel. Operational support is available 24/7, 365 days per year.

Tailor-made project work

Reflex Marine’s clients sometimes have unique requirements and/or their operational circumstances call for a very customised approach in crew and cargo transfer. We offer completely tailored solutions including but not limited to risk evaluations, operational reviews, field or installation assessments, crane inspections, vessel inspections and offshore crew transfer equipment modifications.

Reflex Marine training

Reflex Marine training courses cover the following modules and can be customised according to your requirements, namely risk awareness and operational strategy, operational best practice, passenger induction and inspection and maintenance. The company’s training courses will provide you with the necessary information to help you ensure safety in offshore crew and cargo transfer at all levels of the operations.

White Papers

Press Releases

  • Reflex Marine Webinar Series Resume Next Week

    The Reflex Marine webinar series resumes next week. Offshore industry-focused sessions will continue to look at the specific challenges related to offshore crew transfer and/or offshore work at height in any given market segment

  • Reflex Marine Focused on Increasing Safety in Offshore Decommissioning

    Reflex Marine continue to share knowledge and improve standards of safety across the offshore industry with their series of live webinars. In February, they explore the subject of decommissioning and how personnel access technologies can support the ever-changing demands of this sector.

  • Reflex Marine Launching Podcast Series

    Following the success of their popular webinar series discussing the challenges and solutions relating to personnel transfer and access in offshore industries, Reflex Marine launches a series of daily podcasts split into two streams.

  • Reflex Marine Celebrate Record Demand for Transfer Devices

    An increasing awareness of greater safety in marine personnel transfer has led to record demand for the FROG and TORO crew transfer devices from recognised expert in the field, Reflex Marine. Last year’s Icelandic volcanic ash cloud, which resulted in the grounding of several helicopte

  • Reflex Marine Celebrates 10th Anniversary of FROG Crew Transfer Device

    Reflex Marine, a recognised expert in marine personnel transfer, is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its groundbreaking FROG crew transfer device, which has revolutionised marine personnel transfer in the energy industry. More than 450 FROGs are now used in the world's major oil pro

  • Reflex Marine Launches TORO Transfer Device to US Market

    Recognised as the global expert in marine personnel transfer, Reflex Marine recently launched its revolutionary TORO personnel transfer device to the US market with a demonstration, hosted by its service partner, Energy Cranes, at its facility in Houston, Texas. Each of the two demonst

  • Reflex Marine Meets Mexican President to Outline Regional Growth Plans

    Recognised global experts in marine personnel transfer, Reflex Marine, highlighted its plans to increase company activity in Mexico during a recent Mexican presidential visit to Aberdeen. Reflex Marine’s business development director, David Brittan, met with President Felipe Calderon a

  • Reflex Marine Frog Activity Signals Increase in Crane Transfers

    Recognised global experts in marine personnel transfer, Reflex Marine, has announced that 14 Frogs have gone into service offshore Africa in March and April 2009. This is a record level of activity for the company for one month and brings the total number of Frogs in use in Africa to 70.

  • Reflex Marine Introduces TORO™, a Personnel Transfer Innovation

    Reflex Marine, the global expert in marine personnel transfer, revolutionised the safety of offshore workers ten years ago with the introduction of the Frog, which has been used to carry out millions of safe crane transfers globally. Today, Reflex Marine announces the launch of the ne

  • Reflex Marine Appoints New Board Member

    Reflex Marine, the global expert in marine personnel transfer, has appointed a new board member to help meet the demands of global growth, particularly in the Americas, and diversification of the company’s products and service portfolio. David Brittan, a graduate of mechanical engineer

  • Crane Transfer Safety II Seminar, Aberdeen, 15th September 2008

    After last year's successful event, Reflex Marine will now be running a follow up seminar, incorporating topics suggested by the audience. Our focus will continue to be personnel crane transfers, but touching upon current discussions such as; evaluation options, decommissions and reconstruction o

  • The New Frog-6 High Capacity Transfer Capsule

    In response to requests from our clients, Reflex Marine has now developed the Frog–6, a high capacity unit for six passengers. This new unit is specifically designed to provide substantially increased transfer rates. Operators benefit from reduced crew change times, and, as vessels and cranes are

  • The ‘Swing Factor’ - a key risk during crane transfers

    What is the ‘Swing Factor’? All forms of transfer to offshore installations involve risk. Analysis of past incidents relating to traditional basket transfers has highlighted one specific risk area that warrants particular focus. The dynamic motions of a vessel make it d

  • Fleet of Frogs for Pride in Angola

    Global expert in marine transfer, Reflex Marine Ltd, has secured a contract with Pride International Inc, one of the world’s largest drilling contractors, for the delivery of several Frog™ high safety personnel transfer capsules to offshore Angola. Pride International will deploy the th

  • GlobalSantaFe Opts for Safer Transfer Solution

    GlobalSantaFe has selected the Frog„· personnel transfer system for its ultra deepwater drillship (rated to 10 0000 ft) C.R. Luigs, currently operating in the Gulf of Mexico. The Frog, supplied by international experts in marine transfer, Reflex Marine, will help GSF to minimise the risks when tr

  • The Gap… Striving for Excellence in Marine Personnel Transfer

    By Roger Catherall, director, Reflex Marine Millions of crew transfers take place each year and whether they are achieved by boat or helicopter, crew transfer remains one of the areas of greatest risk in offshore operations. Every year, similar numbers of personnel are

  • Norwegian Operators Upgrade to Frogs

    "When we first started working with Norwegian operators, it was very encouraging to see their readiness to look at data objectively and take positive steps to introduce a risk-based approach to their operations," comments Philip Strong, Managing Director of Reflex Marine Limited. <

  • Reducing Incidents During Crew Transfers

    When Charlie leaves his house to go offshore for two weeks he knows his family are as safe as they can be. He has smoke detectors fitted, a security alarm and fire extinguishers in the kitchen and garage. He drives to his check-in in his faithful pick up. It has ABS brakes, four wheel drive in


  • Zohr Gas Field

    Zohr Gas field is located within the 3,752km² Shorouk Block, within the Egyptian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), in the Mediterranean Sea.

  • Gjoa Field P1 Development, North Sea

    The Gjoa field P1 development aims to access the untapped reserves of the Gjoa producing oil and gas field located in the North Sea off the coast of Norway. The project is being developed by Neptune Energy (operator, 30%), Petoro (30%), Wintershall Dea Norge (28%), and OKEA (12%).

  • Agbami Oilfield

    The $3.5bn Agbami oilfield project is one of Nigeria's largest deepwater developments.

  • Kaombo Ultra-Deep Offshore Project

    Kaombo Ultra-Deep Offshore Project involved the development of six of the 12 fields discovered at Block 32, around 260km offshore Luanda in Angola, Africa.

  • Hebron Oil Project, Newfoundland

    Hebron is a heavy oil field located 350km south-east of the Newfoundland and Labrador capital St John’s, in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, Canada, in a water depth of 93m.

  • Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG) Oilfield – a timeline

    Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG) Oilfield was discovered in the early 1980s. State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) started the development in shallow waters of the Gunashli field implementing several platforms and brought it into production in 1985.

  • Shah Deniz Stage Two, Caspian Sea

    Shah Deniz Stage Two, also known as the Shah Deniz full field development, is one of the world's biggest gas projects and will increase the gas production capacity of the Shah Deniz field by an additional 16 billion cubic metres per annum (bcma) and condensate capacity by a further 120,000 barrels a day.

  • Ekofisk II

    The original Ekofisk area development consisted of eight oil and gas fields, namely Cod, Ekofisk, West Ekofisk, Tor, Albuskjell, Eldfisk, Edda and Embla.

  • Peregrino Field, Campos Basin

    The Peregrino field is located in the Campos Basin area, 85km offshore Brazil. The field is owned and operated by Statoi

Reflex Marine Ltd (Aberdeen)
12-16 Albyn Place
AB10 1PS
United Kingdom

Reflex Marine Inc (Houston)
USA Office
1400 Broadfield
Houston, Texas
United States of America

Reflex Marine Ltd (Truro)
Client Support Centre
The Old School House
School Hill
United Kingdom

Reflex Marine Ltd (Yatton)
Product Development Centre
Project Centre
Training and Servicing Centre Unit 7 Smiths Forge Industrial Estate
BS49 4AU
United Kingdom

Reflex Marine SL (Barcelona)
Product Design, Development and Testing Centre
Training and Servicing Centre
Carrer de Ramon Turro, 100, Bajos, 3º