
Over the past 60 years, WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co KG has built a reputation for innovation and quality in the manufacture and service of measuring instruments.

Within the WIKA Group, more than 7,000 employees are dedicated to maintaining and improving measurement technology. More than 500 experienced employees of the sales department consult the customers and users competently on a partnership basis.

More than 300 engineers and technicians are searching continually on behalf of WIKA to provide innovative product solutions, improved materials and profitable production methods.

In close co-operation with renowned universities, institutes and industrial companies, solutions for specific applications are developed and designed.

Gas density monitor.
Gas leak tight connection.
Gas filling and handling.

WIKA’s SF6 gas Center of Excellence has an established knowledge base and is unique in offering a complete product portfolio for servicing SF6 gas from the beginning to the end of its lifecycle.

The WIKA portfolio includes:

  • SF6 gas instrumentation
  • SF6 gas leak tight connections
  • SF6 gas analysis
  • SF6 gas filling and handling
  • SF6 gas management

SF6 gas instrumentation – control the safe status of your assets

SF6 gas excellence instrumentation consists of mechanical gauges, switches and transmitters. The instruments give accurate measurement information of the actual status of the SF6 gas filled equipment.

The instrument product line consists of:

  • Gas Density Indicators (GDI) – only indication
  • Gas Density Monitors (GDM) – indication and alarm switch points
  • Gas Density Switches (GDS) – alarm switch points
  • Gas Density Transmitters (GDT) – analogue or digital output signal
  • GDM & GDT Combinations – indication / alarm switch points and analogue or digital output signal

Precise SF6 gas density measurement is very important to ensure the safety of SF6 gas-filled compartments. With a leak the gas density drops and the isolation properties change, leading to dangerous situations.

SF6 gas leak tight connections – no unintentional SF6 gas loss

The design of these connecting parts is made to manage SF6 gas during filling and handling processes without errors. With self-closing valves and couplings, the gas stays safely inside the compartments.

The connecting and disconnecting of the couplings is done tools-free. Hand-tight seals perfectly. SF6 gas is kept inside the compartment, emissions to the atmosphere are avoided.

WIKA’s combination valve unifies fill and gauge port and also allows it to calibrate the gas density monitor without detaching it. This all-in-on valve solution minimises the risk of potential leak spots. The valve parts are vibration-proof, free of compounds and hermetically sealed.

SF6 gas analysis – measure SF6 gas quality and detect leaks

The product portfolio here offers leak detectors, emission monitors and analysing instruments for SF6 gas. The leak detection instrument model, GIR-10, is versatile and based on infrared technology.

The portable solution allows the service staff to find small SF6 gas leaks on-site. For tightness-test applications the high-sensitive IR-Leak is the right device.

The non-dispersive infrared technology (NDIR) is not cross-sensitive to volatile organic compounds (VOC) or moisture and therefore the best method to find SF6 gas leakages only.

The indoor emission monitors for GA35 & GA38 are based on the same technology. With model GA35 SF6, gas concentrations are detected. The GA38 is able to monitor the oxygen concentration, with the option of also monitoring temperature and humidity.

SF6 gas quality parameters in electrical switchgear are established according to IEC and CIGRÉ guidelines.

These define limits for SF6 gas purity, moisture content and the concentration of decomposition products. WIKA’s SF6 gas excellence offers a variety of products able to test the gas parameters according to customers’ requirements.

The SF6-Q-analyser model GA11 is able to measure not only the three mandatory parameters, purity, moisture and decomposition products, but is also able to determine the concentration of four more substances e.g. hydro-fluoride.

In order to avoid gas handling on-site, the rugged instrument is equipped with a pump-back function to return the test gas.

SF6 gas filling and handling – cost savings with modern recycling devices

To achieve longevity and cost-effectiveness of your assets SF6 gas filling and handling is essential. Gas processing units from WIKA were developed for SF6 gas OEMs or servicing and maintenance companies.

WIKA can supply filling and handling devices scaled up to customers’ needs. The single portable gas transfer unit GTU-10 allows the recovery and filling of small-sized SF6 gas compartments, while the fully customisable model GFU30 is able to do all sorts of SF6 gas handling – recovery, purification and refilling with highest flow rates.

Contact us using the details below to discuss your SF6 gas solutions.